General conditions of sale and use

These General Conditions of Sale and Use have been established. updated day to 04/29/2024. 

Article1. Object

The company LaserSeven (hereinafter: “LaserSeven) operates a supply platform for custom-made metal parts (hereinafter: the “ Platform»).  

These general conditions of sale and use (hereinafter: the «General Conditions») apply without restriction or reservation to the terms and conditions of use of the services offered by LaserSeven (hereinafter: the “Services») on the Platform or outside the Platform. Their purpose is to define the terms and conditions for the provision of services for the benefit of the customer identified by the customer. in the quote(s) referred to in this document. Article 5 (hereinafter the “Client) ;).  

They constitute, with the quote(s) (hereinafter: the «Quotation »), an inseparable contractual whole (hereinafter: the «Contract»). 

In the event of contradiction, the provisions of the Quote(s) prevail over these General Conditions. In the event of a contradiction between different Quotes, the most recent document takes precedence over the oldest. 

The Contract prevails over all other general or specific conditions not expressly approved by LaserSeven. 

The parties declare that they have had the time and opportunity to exchange between them all information, including that provided for by article 1112-1 of the civil code, having governed the negotiation and the conclusion of this Agreement.

Article2. Operator of the Platform and Services, contact

The Platform and the Services are operated by LaserSeven, SAS registered with the RCS of Nanterre under the N° 909 923 203 whose head office is located at 23 Route des Gardes, 92190 Meudon.

LaserSeven can be contacted at the following address: 

Article3. Access to The Platform and Services

The Platform and Services are accessible:

  • To any natural person with the full legal capacity to commit to these General Conditions. The natural person who does not have full capacity can access the Platform and the Services only with the agreement of its legal representative.
  • To any legal entity acting through a natural person having the legal capacity to contract in the name and on behalf of the legal entity.

Article4. Services reserved for professionals

The Platform and the Services are designed and intended for professional use and are aimed exclusively at professionals in the context of their activity.

Article5. Ordering the Services and accepting the General Conditions

5.1. Prior to any performance of the Services, it is the responsibility of the Client to provide LaserSeven with useful information and documents to enable it to identify its needs and expectations. LaserSeven will establish one or more Quotes on this basis (automatically generated on the Platform or not). The Quote will indicate in particular the technical specifications expected by the Customer, the delivery terms, the completion time, etc.

5.2. Unless otherwise stated, the Quote issued by LaserSeven is valid for eight (8) days from its issue. In the absence of validation by the Customer within this period, it will be void. The Customer who wishes to order the Services must validate the corresponding Quote within the above deadline, by any useful written means and in particular by email.

5.3. Any validation of a Quote, express or implicit, implies full acceptance of these General Conditions, in their version in force on the date of the Quotation concerned.
Any acceptance subject to reservation is considered null and void. The Client who does not agree to be bound by these General Conditions must not order Services from LaserSeven.

5.4. In the event of a modification to the initial Services or a new order, a new Quote is established. The provisions of this new Quote take precedence over those of the old one.

5.5. He is reminded that the acceptance of these General Conditions by the Client may also be materialized by a check box in the dedicated form on the Platform. Where applicable, this acceptance can only be full and complete. Any membership subject to reservation is considered null and void. The Client who does not agree to be bound by these General Conditions must not access the Platform or use the Services.

Article6. Articulation with Stripe’s intervention and terms and conditions

Customers are expressly informed and accept that all payments and transfers made to their own account through the Platform are managed by the company Stripe technology Europe Limited, registered Electronic Money Institution registered with the Central Bank of Ireland under number C187865 ( (attached: « Stripe » ).

Customers contract directly with Stripe regarding the implementation of these payments, accepting Stripe’s terms and conditions through a checkbox check when registering on the Platform.

As part of the services, Customers transmit to Stripe all their payment instructions through their dedicated space. Consequently, they expressly mandate laserSeven to transmit said instructions to Stripe, in their name and on their behalf.

As the implementation of services requires payments, Customers are informed and accept that Stripe’s refusal to accept their registration as a user of its own services, as well as the termination of the contract between a client and Stripe, whatever the reason, will automatically result in the resolution of these General Conditions between LaserSeven and the Client as well as, consequently, the closure of the latter’s Account.

Conversely, the end of these General Conditions between LaserSeven and the Client will automatically result in the termination of the contract between said Client and Stripe.

Article7. Registration

7.1. Use of the Services requires the Customer to register on the Platform, by completing the form provided at this effect. He is reminded that this registration is free.

7.2. The Customer must provide all information marked as mandatory, in particular his/her last name, first name, company name, mobile phone, professional email address, and password. The Customer acknowledges and accepts that the email address provided on the registration form constitutes their connection identifier.
Any incomplete registration will not be validated.
Registration leads to the opening of an account in the name of the Client (hereinafter: the «Account»), giving him access to a personal space (hereinafter: the Personal Space) which allows him to manage his use of the Services in a form and according to the technical means that LaserSeven deems most appropriate to provide said Services.

7.3. The Client guarantees that all the information he/she gives in the registration form is accurate, to the fullest extent possible, is up-to-date and sincere, and is not tainted by any misleading character.
He undertakes to update this information in their Personal Space in the event of modifications, so that they always correspond to the aforementioned criteria.
The Customer is informed and accepts that the information entered for the purposes of creating or updating the current date of his Account constitutes proof of his identity. The information entered by the Customer is binding upon validation.

7.4. The Client can access at any time their Personal Space after logging in using their login ID and password.
The Customer undertakes to personally use the Services and does not allow any third party to use them in his place or on his behalf, except to assume full responsibility for it.
He is equally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the information and safety of his username and password, any access to the Platform with the help of the latter being renowned carried out by the customer. The user must immediately contact LaserSeven if they notice that their Account has been deleted or used without their knowledge. He recognizes that LaserSeven has the right to take all appropriate measures in such cases.

Article8. Services

8.1. Description of Services

The Platform simplifies the supply of custom metal parts for the benefit of Customers.

As part of the Services, please note: that LaserSeven acts in this capacity intermediary between the manufacturer of metal parts and the Customer. LaserSeven can refuse or stop the order process at any time if there are technical reasons justifying it. In this case, the parties will agree on the fate of the order and any associated reimbursement.

8.2. Generating a Quote on the Platform

If the Services are ordered on the Platform, you are reminded that it is up to the Customer to complete the information requested on the customer journey, and in particular, the provision of a first design file in 2D or 3D, in order to allow LaserSeven to generate a personalized quote (configuration of parts, quantities, materials, finishing etc.).

As such, it is up to the Customer to upload to the Platform a document in PDF format including the dimensions and tolerances expected during the manufacture of parts under an order. Failing this, the Customer is invited to contact LaserSeven customer service to benefit from support in defining their needs.

The Customer acknowledges and accepts that any missing or inaccurate information does not allow it to LaserSeven to generate a Quote via the Platform.

In the hypothesis where the 2D or 3D specification file uploaded by the Customer is illegible, it will be up to him to communicate by all means LaserSeven said file for the purposes of allowing Quotation editing.

The downloaded specification file by the Customer must at least contain the Customer’s expectations and the tolerances applied (including dimensions).

Once the file has been downloaded on the Platform, this will constitute the definitive basis of the specifications agreed with the Client and on which LaserSeven undertakes to issue a Quote for the purpose of executing the order.

If the Customer wishes to modify the specification file after validation of the order, a new quote will be sent to them. taking into account the desired developments. The Customer acknowledges and accepts that additional costs may be added to process their order.

It is the Customer’s responsibility to indicate their exact delivery address in order to generate a quotation. During the order summary, the Customer can then select the desired delivery method from the options available on the Platform.

8.3. Order confirmation and processing

Subject to compliance by the Customer with the provisions of article 8.2, LaserSeven will be able to process the order in accordance with the specifications indicated by the Customer.

LaserSeven is committed to forward the order to the appropriate manufacturer; for the purposes of manufacturing parts. The Customer is informed that the parts are not manufactured by LaserSeven, its role being limited to intermediation with its manufacturer network.

At the end of his order, the Customer receives a confirmation by email which:

  1. Summarizes the elements of the order and the expected delivery time.
  2. Includes the invoice corresponding to the order.

The Customer must ensure that the contact details provided in their Account and/or communicated when ordering are correct and that they allow them to receive the order confirmation email. Failing receipt thereof, the Customer must contact LaserSeven using the contact details mentioned above. Article 2.

LaserSeven recommends that the Customer retain the information contained in the order confirmation.

The order confirmation is deemed to have been received by the Customer when there can be access to it.

At any time, the Customer can consult the status of his order on the Platform’s Personal Area.

8.4. Hosting of the Platform

LaserSeven is committed to ensure, under the terms of an obligation of means, the hosting of the Accounts and any content published; by the Client on his Account in accordance with professional practices and in accordance with state of the art, on its own servers or by a professional hosting provider, carrying out its activity in accordance with the practices of the profession and in accordance with the state of the art.

In this context, LaserSeven is committed to provide the Client with sufficient storage and processing capacities as part of the Services, in accordance with professional practice and in accordance with the requirements of the profession and the state of the art.

LaserSeven is committed to implement all technical means, in accordance with the regulations; state of the art, necessary to ensure the safety of and access to the Services, relating to the protection and monitoring of infrastructures, the control of physical and/or intangible access to said infrastructures, as well as the implementation of detection, prevention, and recovery tools to protect servers from malicious acts.

LaserSeven is also committed to take all useful precautions, taking into account the nature of the data and the risks presented by the automated data processing implemented for the needs of the Services, to preserve the safety of data, and in particular prevent it from being distorted, damaged or from unauthorized third parties having access to it.

8.5. Technical support

LaserSeven offers the Customer technical assistance accessible by email or by telephone at the following address: allowing him to report any difficulty encountered when using the Services.

8.6. Other Services

LaserSeven reserves the possibility of offering any other Service that it deems useful, in a form and according to the functionalities and technical means that it deems most appropriate to provide said Services.

Article9. Financial conditions

9.1. Prices of Services

Unless otherwise stated, the selling price of the products is indicated at the time of purchase in euros and excluding taxes in the Quote. The price does not include transport, customs fees and insurance, which remain the responsibility of the Customer and are also indicated in the Quote.

Unless otherwise agreed in the Quote, the order is validated by LaserSeven upon receipt of payment of 30 (thirty)% of the order price by the Customer. Any validated order is firm and final and cannot be canceled. Failing that, as a criminal clause, this sum representing 30 (thirty)% of the price of the order will remain due to LaserSeven.

LaserSeven reserves the right to at its free discretion and according to terms of which it will be the sole judge, to propose promotional offers or price reductions.

9.2. Payment terms

LaserSeven will send an invoice to the Customer, by any means deemed useful, as soon as the order is placed.
Unless otherwise stated, invoices are sent by email and are payable within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of issue of the invoice.

The Customer will pay the price by any means of payment deemed useful by LaserSeven, as available on the Platform and in particular through the payment provider indicated therein. above.

When the order is placed outside the Platform, payment of the price can be made by bank transfer, check, or cash. The Quote will specify the precise terms of payment agreed.

The Customer guarantees LaserSeven that he has the necessary authorizations to proceed with payment of the price.

He is reminded that the Quote may specify any specific terms of payment of the price.

9.3. Payment delays and defaults

By express agreement between the parties, any delay in payment of all or part of a sum due to LaserSeven its expiry under these General Conditions will automatically result, without prejudice to the provisions of the article « Sanction for breaches» and from the day following the payment date appearing on the invoice:

    1. The expiration of the term of all sums owed by the Client and their due date immediately, regardless of the terms of payment that had been agreed. planned;
    2. Invoicing for the benefit of LaserSeven of late payment interest, due by the sole fact of the expiry of the contractual term, at the rate of one and a half times the legal interest rate, based on the amount of the unpaid debt on the due date and a fixed indemnity of €40 (forty) for recovery costs, without prejudice to additional compensation if the recovery costs actually incurred are greater than this amount.

Article10. Reservation of ownership

LaserSeven retains full ownership of the products sold until full payment has been received, including delivery costs.

Article 11. Delivery

The Platform indicates, for each product offered for sale, the possible delivery territories for this product.

Delivery of products ordered on the Platform will be made to your delivery address, the address indicated during the Customer’s order as « delivery address» (which may be different from the billing address), provided that it is within the possible delivery territory for the products concerned.

Different delivery methods may be possible, depending on the product categories and their weight.

The customer is informed, before validating the order, of the possible delivery methods for the product ordered, as well as the delivery times and costs corresponding to each of these methods.

The Customer must select the desired delivery method and give all the necessary information for the actual delivery of the product according to this method.

Article12. Delivery time

The expected delivery time for each order will be indicated in the corresponding Quote. The Customer expressly accepts that this deadline is only indicative, the responsibility lies with the customer. LaserSeven cannot under any circumstances be held liable in the event of late delivery compared to the announced deadline. The Client is also expressly informed of this and accepts that:

    • The products ordered are covered by the insurance of the carrier and LaserSeven until the delivery date. receipt of the order.
    • It is his responsibility to check the products delivered upon receipt and to immediately formulate any reservations and complaints useful to the carrier, particularly in the event of damage to the products.
    • Any claim regarding compliance or the quantity of the products delivered must be addressed to the following address: LaserSeven by email or registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within two (2) calendar days following delivery. Otherwise, it cannot be taken into account.

The Customer must date and sign the delivery receipt, on which he must also affix the stamp of his company as well as the name of the signatory. In the event of non-compliance with the above-mentioned procedure, the Customer’s complaints will be rejected.

Article13. Proof Convention

The Customer expressly acknowledges and accepts:

    • That the data collected on the Platform and LaserSeven’s IT equipment constitutes proof of the reality of the operations carried out within the framework of these presents,
  • That these data constitute the main mode of proof accepted between the parties.

Article14. Obligations and responsibilities of the Customer

Without prejudice to the other obligations provided for in these General Conditions, the Customer undertakes to  comply with the following obligations:

14.1. The Client undertakes, in his use of the Services, to comply with the General Conditions, as well as the laws and regulations in force, and not infringe the rights of third parties or public order. He is solely responsible for his use of the Platform and the Services.

14.2. The Client undertakes to provide LaserSeven with all the information necessary for the proper execution of the Services. More generally, the Client undertakes to actively cooperate with LaserSeven with a view to the proper execution of the General Conditions.

14.3. The Client is solely responsible for the documents, elements, data, information and any content that he provides LaserSeven in connection with the use of the Services. He guarantees LaserSeven that he is authorized to provide these elements and that he has all the rights and authorizations necessary for their use within the framework of the Services.

14.4 The Client acknowledges having read the Platform and its characteristics.

14.5. The Client undertakes to make strictly personal use of the Services. He is therefore prohibited from assigning, granting, or transferring all or part of its rights or obligations hereunder to a third party, in any way whatsoever.

14.6. The Client guarantees LaserSeven that it has taken out the necessary insurance policies to insure and guarantee the consequences of its civil  liability in the case that it would be engaged, so as to cover the financial consequences of any damage it may incur.

14.7. Customers acknowledge and accept that the products ordered have been personalized solely on the basis of the information communicated to LaserSeven. If it needs change, a supplementary quote may be sent to the Customer.

14.8. Customers are solely responsible for the use they make of the metal parts ordered. It is their responsibility to check the suitability of said parts for their specific needs beforehand the purchase of said parts. Customers can At any time, request information from LaserSeven on the identity of the manufacturer behind their order. However, no order can be sent directly by the Customer to the manufacturer without the intervention of LaserSeven.

Article15. Customer Guarantee

The Client guarantees LaserSeven against any complaints, claims, actions and/or demands whatsoever that it may suffer as a result of the Client’s violation of any of its obligations or guarantees under the terms of these General Conditions.

The Client undertakes to compensate LaserSeven for any damage it may suffer and pay all costs, charges, and/or convictions that it may have to pay to bear this fact.

Article16. Responsibility and warranty from LaserSeven

16.1. LaserSeven is committed to provide the Services diligently and according to the rules of the art, being specified that there is an obligation of means upon it, the exclusion of any obligation of result, which the Client expressly acknowledges and accepts.

16.2. LaserSeven intervenes exclusively for the purposes of providing the Services described in these General Conditions. As such, LaserSeven intervenes as an intermediary in that it facilitates the ordering of metal parts by Customers, directly and indirectly with the help of its network of manufacturers. Thus, in the event of a complaint about the products, the Customer will be responsible for the possible return of said products at his own expense. Only the manufacturer may be held liable under the present terms and conditions.

16.3. LaserSeven does not guarantee to the Customer that the Services offered will satisfy all of their needs and expectations. LaserSeven cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for the use of metal parts by the Customer.

16.4. LaserSeven is committed to carry out regular checks to verify the operation and accessibility of the Platform. Likewise, LaserSeven cannot be held responsible for temporary difficulties or impossibilities in accessing its Application due to circumstances beyond its control, force majeure, or due to disruptions in telecommunication networks.  Customers being informed of the complexity of the situation. global networks and influx, certain hours, internet users.

Article17. Prohibited behavior

17.1. It is strictly prohibited to use the Services for the following purposes:

  • The exercise of illegal, fraudulent or infringing activities on the rights or security of third parties.
  • The attack on public order or violation of laws and regulations in force,
  • Intrusion into the computer system of a third party or any activity of a nature to harm, control, interfere, or intercept all or part of the computer system of a third party, violate its integrity or security,
  • Manipulations intended to improve the referencing of a third-party site,
  • Help or inducement, in any form and in any way, to one or more of the acts and activities described above,
  • And more generally any practice that diverts the Services from its intended purposes other than those for which they were designed.

17.2. Customers are strictly prohibited from copying and/or misappropriating for their purposes or those of third parties the concept, technologies, all or part of the data or any other element of the Platform.

17.3 Are also strictly prohibited:

    1. all behavior of a harmful nature that is likely to interrupt, suspend, slow down, or prevent the continuity of the Services,
    2. any intrusions or attempted intrusions into LaserSeven systems,
    3. any misappropriation of the Platform’s system resources.
    4. all actions of a nature to impose a disproportionate burden on the latter’s infrastructure,
    5. any breach of security measures and authentication,
    6. all acts of a dangerous nature; that infringe the financial, commercial, or moral rights and interests of LaserSeven, and finally more generally
    7. any breach of these General Conditions.

17.4 It is strictly prohibited to monetize, sell or grant all or part of access to the Services or to the Platform, as well as the information hosted and/or shared there.

Article18. Sanctions for breaches

In the event of failure to comply with any of the provisions of the Contract, or more generally, violation of laws and regulations by the Client, LaserSeven reserves the right to take any appropriate measure and in particular to: 

  • Suspend, delete or prevent access to the Services of the Client, author of the breach or offense, or having participated in it,
  • Take all appropriate measures and initiate any legal action,
  • If necessary, notify the competent authorities, cooperate with them and provide them with all the information useful for the investigation and the repression of illegal or illicit activities.

The Customer is informed and accepts that any failure to comply with its obligations may result, in addition to the consequences provided for above, in the immediate resolution of the Contract by LaserSeven, by any written means.

Article19. Confidentiality

Each party undertakes to keep strictly confidential the documents, elements, data, and information of the other party to which it is the recipient which will be expressly identified by the other party as being confidential. With regard to LaserSeven, the parties expressly agree that this obligation of confidentiality covers the personal data that will be brought to process for the Client as part of the Services.

All of this information is designated below the « Confidential Information».

The party receiving Confidential Information undertakes to not disclose them without prior agreement from the other party, for a period of 3 (three) years to date  from the end of the execution of the Services concerned. It will not be able to transmit them to employees, collaborators, interns, or advisors unless they are bound by the same obligation of confidentiality as that provided herein. This obligation does not extend to documents, elements, data, and information:

  1. Whose the party receiving them had already knowledge;
  2. Already public during their communication or which would become so without violation of the Contract;
  3. Who would have been lawfully received from a third party;
  4. Whose communication would be required by the judicial authorities, in application of laws and regulations or with a view to establishing the rights of a party under the Contract.

Article20. Intellectual property 

The systems, software, structures, infrastructures, databases, codes and content of all kinds (texts, images, visuals, logos, brands, databases, etc.) operated by LaserSeven on the Platform, are protected by all proprietary rights. intellectual property or rights of database producers in force.

All disassembly, decompilation, decryption, extraction, reuse, copying, and more generally, all acts of reproduction, representation, distribution, and use of any of these Elements, in whole or in part, without the authorization of LaserSeven are strictly prohibited and may be subject to legal action.

Reciprocally, it is recalled that the Customer remains the sole owner of the industrial property rights attached to the products he orders through the Platform. It is nevertheless up to the Customer to take the necessary measures to protect said products, in particular by filing and/or registering with property offices intellectually competent. In any event, the liability of LaserSeven cannot under any circumstances be sought after. this effect.

Article21. Data of personal character

LaserSeven practices a personal data protection policy, the characteristics of which are explained in the document entitled “ Charter for the protection of personal data», of which the Client is expressly invited to take note.

Article22. Commercial references

The Customer expressly authorizes LaserSeven to cite it and use, where applicable, the reproduction of its brand or logo at its own discretion. as commercial references, in particular during demonstrations or events, in its commercial documents, on its Application, and on its Site, in any form whatsoever during the duration of the General Conditions; and 5 (five) years after its term.

Article23. Third-Party Links and Sites

LaserSeven cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for the availability of the technical information of websites operated by third parties (including its possible partners) which the Client accesses through the Platform.

LaserSeven assumes no responsibility with respect to the content, advertising, products and/or services available on such third-party sites which are governed by their own terms of use.

LaserSeven is also not responsible for transactions between the Client and any advertiser, professional, or merchant (including any partners) to whom the Client may be directed through the Platform and cannot under any circumstances be a party to any possible disputes whatsoever with these third parties concerning, in particular, the purchase of products and/or services, guarantees, declarations and any other obligations to which these third parties are bound.

Article24. Force majeure

No Party will be held liable for a failure to fulfill its contractual obligations if this failure is due to an event independent of the will of the Parties and constitutes force majeure, as defined in Article 1218 of the Civil Code.

By force majeure, the parties agree in particular to understand the occurrence of an event presenting the characteristics of unpredictability and irresistibility usually recognized by French law and courts as well as strikes, terrorist activities, riots, insurrections, wars, government actions, epidemics, natural disasters or default attributable to a third-party telecommunications provider.

The prevented party must inform the other party as soon as possible, indicating the nature of the force majeure event. The parties will come together to determine together the most appropriate means to mitigate, if possible, the consequences of the event(s) constituting the force majeure.

If the case of force majeure lasts for more than 3 (three) months, each party may terminate the Contract, automatically, without judicial formality, without notice, and without right to compensation of any nature whatsoever, by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt with immediate effect.

If, following a case of force majeure, the affected party is prevented from fulfilling only part of its contractual obligations, it remains responsible for the execution of the obligations which are not affected by the case of force majeure as well as its payment obligations.

Upon cessation of the force majeure event, the prevented party must immediately inform the other party and resume the performance of the affected obligations within a reasonable time. 

Article25. Advertising

LaserSeven reserves the right to insert on any page of the Platform and in any communication to Clients any advertising or promotional messages in a form and under conditions of which LaserSeven will be the sole judge.

Article26. Changes and unsubscription

LaserSeven reserves the right to modify these General Conditions at any time.

Customers will be informed of these modifications by any useful means.

The Customer may unsubscribe from the Services at any time, by sending a request to this effect to LaserSeven by email, to the contact details mentioned below, or via the Platform directly.

This unsubscription, however, has no effect on the current Quote.

Article27. Language

In the event of a translation of these general conditions into one or more languages, the language of interpretation will be the French language in the event of contradiction or dispute on the meaning of a term or provision.

Article28. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The Contract is subject to French law and will be governed and interpreted in accordance with French law.

Any dispute that may arise from this On the occasion of its validity, its interpretation or its execution will be subject to review by the exclusive jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Nanterre (France), unless there is a mandatory procedural rule to the contrary.

Version: 04/29/2024